Resources & Advice

Read the Brown & Brethour Blog for insurance tips and advice, disaster preparedness, and news about the Sunderland community and surrounding areas.

We’re joining the McDougall Insurance family!

We’re joining the McDougall Insurance family!

We are excited to announce that Brown & Brethour Insurance Brokers Ltd. has merged with McDougall Insurance Brokers Limited as of June 1, 2022. McDougall Insurance is a family owned and operated brokerage, who share the same core values and principles as Brown & Brethour. Read More:

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How is Inflation Impacting Insurance?

How is Inflation Impacting Insurance?

The inflation rate in Canada reached an all time high in 2022. Inflation is now affecting every single one of our customers. Gas, groceries, the cost of living have all increased drastically. Inflation is impacting us all. People who own homes or cottages or are looking to build a home. Our commercial customers are also being impacted whether you are a small business or a large manufacturer or municipality.

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Haven't Driven Your Car in Weeks? Check Out These Tips

Haven't Driven Your Car in Weeks? Check Out These Tips

Has your car been sitting in your driveway or garage for the last few weeks, or longer? This can lead to mechanical issues with your vehicle. So, if you can’t remember the last time you drove your vehicle, you might want to consider these tips before going for a Sunday drive.

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Distracted Driving... The New Drunk Driving

Distracted Driving... The New Drunk Driving

Distracted Driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving, and it’s become much more common. There are some sobering statistics that you should consider before checking your Instagram feed, again.

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UPDATE: COVID-19 Precautionary Measures - Office Closed to the Public

UPDATE: COVID-19 Precautionary Measures - Office Closed to the Public

At Brown & Brethour, the health and wellness of our customers and employees is our first priority. We’re staying vigilant and taking sensible precautions (as recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada) to prevent contracting or spreading of COVID-19.

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Soup of the Day - Pete's Thai Red Curry Chicken

Soup of the Day - Pete's Thai Red Curry Chicken

It's #SouperFriday! Today's Soup of the Day is Pete's Thai Red Curry Chicken! Check out the recipe!

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Thieves Targeting Your Summer Vacation

Thieves Targeting Your Summer Vacation

As you pile supplies into the car, turn off all the lights in the house, and eventually peel out of your driveway, your not-so-friendly neighbourhood thieves have been waiting patiently for you to leave.

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Wildfire Disaster Preparedness

Wildfire Disaster Preparedness

Learn more about protecting your home against wildfires.

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Don't Read This, While Driving.

Don't Read This, While Driving.

New distracted driving laws aim to keep drivers off of their cellphones with severe new penalties, costing distracted drivers thousands in fines & and insurance premiums.

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Blizzard Disaster Preparedness

Blizzard Disaster Preparedness

Being prepared for heavy snowfall and having extra emergency supplies on hand is the best way to make sure your family stays safe both during and after the storm.

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Extreme Winds & Tornado Disaster Preparedness

Extreme Winds & Tornado Disaster Preparedness

Learn how you and your home can be prepared for Severe Winds.

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Flood Disaster Preparedness

Flood Disaster Preparedness

Learn how to protect your house from basement flooding.

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Earthquake Disaster Preparedness

Earthquake Disaster Preparedness

Start reducing your risk of earthquake damage. Be safe & prepared for any kind of earthquake in your neighbourhood.

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Emergency Basics

Emergency Basics

The two things you need in the case of any type of natural disaster are an Emergency Kit and a Family Communication Plan.

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Driver Training Courses

Driver Training Courses

Completion of an Accredited Driver Training Course can save you money on your insurance premium and give you piece of mind.

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Are You Ready for the Cottage?

Are You Ready for the Cottage?

So, you finally start to see that last layer of ice coming off the lake, fishing season is right around the corner, and you can picture yourself sitting on the dock, drink of choice in hand, watching the sunset for the first time this year.

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It's A Spring Thing...

It's A Spring Thing...

Here in Sunderland, and like much of Ontario, we are patiently waiting for Mother Nature to get her ducks in a row and kick winter out the back door.

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